
Maria Montessori’s approach to learning recognizes the tremendous capacity and desire of very young children to discover and explore their immediate world. “To catch the excitement inherent in discovery, no matter how small that discovery and to know deep down that he did it himself because he felt the need to understand and conquer a problem. ” This spells success for a child.

The environment forms the basis of Montessori’s philosophy. By creating a rich, responsive environment, children can absorb and manipulate it, and work and develop as individuals. This “prepared environment” invites a child to be involved and challenge himself.  Within this environment there are basic components which help a young child develop self-confidence, independence, self discipline and a love of learning. To provide children with these opportunities is the most precious goals of any Montessori teacher.  These goals are best met with a thorough understanding of the Montessori theory and methodology.

Preschool, before and after Montessori School